Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stream Health Blog Post

Several tests are performed on water in streams to determine how healthy these environments are.

The levels of nitrates, a nutrient needed for plant growth, are measured in streams. High levels of nitrates can cause algal blooms and lessen the quality of the water. Contamination by fertilizers can cause excess levels of nitrates. As algae dies in the process of eutrophication, the level of DOC goes down.

pH is the measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions. Most aquatic organisms live within a range from 5.5 to 9.5 on the pH scale. Carbon dioxide levels in water can create an acid called carbonic acid. It is important to measure the pH of a body of water to determine if it is too acidic.

Conductivity is the water's ability to conduct electrical current. Conductivity reveals if the water is pure, because pure water is a poor conductor of electricity. It also reveals high or low levels of dissolved solids.

Turbidity is the measure of total suspended solids in the water of a stream. Waters with high turbidity are murky and are contaminated with high levels of dissolved solids. These waters are also impure and generally unhealthy for most living organisms.

Dissolved Oxygen
Dissolved oxygen is measured to determine how many ppm are available for aquatic organisms to survive. The higher the temperature of a body of water, the less dissolved oxygen it can hold. Healthy measures of DO are from 6 ppm up to 9 ppm.

Temperature is important in the measurement of stream health because of how it affects aquatic life. Most organisms live in the range of 0 to 32 degrees Celsius. Rapid changes in temperature are not healthy for aquatic life forms. Lower temperatures also allow for higher levels of dissolved oxygen, and healthier streams. Warm water may be stressful to aquatic organisms.

Alkalinity measures the ability a body of water has to neutralize acids. The presence of limestone indicates a higher level of alkalinity. Areas of limestone bedrock such as caves and sinkholes are called karst. Acidic water and low alkalinity levels are dangerous to the health of aquatic ecosystems.  Alkalinity is important to keep pH levels in a healthy range for life.

E. coli
Escherichia coli are bacteria found in the intestines of warm blooded animals. Though the E. coli bacterium is generally harmless, it often indicates the presence of bacteria that are harmful to living organisms. Levels of E. coli bacteria are measured in order to discover other harmful strands of pathogens often present along with E. coli. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mountaintop Removal Mining - Opposing

     Mountaintop Removal Mining is a new and controversial method of mining. Coal companies seem to want to tell you what you want to hear but never the scary reality of this dangerous industry. Coal companies claim to be able to fix the areas that are destroyed during the process of surface mining, but the truth is, the mountains will never be the same. Animal and plant species will likely never return. Leveled out mountaintops are rarely used for business development. The health hazards mining sites pose to communities include a higher mortality rate, respiratory problems and asthma flare-ups. Large lakes of coal slurry called impoundments are often located just above entire communities that could be wiped out if the impoundment were to fail. There is much more permanent damage done than the short term benefits surface mining creates.

Mountaintop Removal Mining - Supporting

     Mountaintop Removal is a new method of mining that has caught the attention of environmentalists who seem to hear nothing but over exaggerated stories of evil company owners who hate mountains. Friends of Coal is a group that supports the use of coal in West Virginia because it is such an enormous component in our economy. Even though active surface mining sites may appear ugly, coal companies use special tactics to restore areas and create areas for businesses to move in communities. This creates jobs and stimulates the economy in small rural communities. Surface Mining isn't as bad in the aspects that it does help people and communities, and keeps us out of poverty, providing money for basic necessities.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Coal Camp Blog


Coalwood of McDowell Co. West Virginia was founded by George LaFayette Carter in 1905. Carter Coal and Coke Company was fairly productive and had a decent size work force. In 1922, Coalwood was sold to Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Company. The town was then reconstructed and new houses were built featuring indoor plumbing and electricity. The workforce diversified as European immigrants and African Americans were attracted to the refurbished camp. Close to 2,000 people lived in Coalwood. It had its own high school at one point which later closed and students were directed to Big Creek High in War. Coalwood was also the home of Homer Hickam Jr., author of "Rocket Boys". 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mining Methods

Underground Mining


Drift Mining
Drift Mining is a method of mining in which a coal seam penetrates the surface and a plant is able to extract coal straight from the seam and into the preparation plant.

Shaft Mining

Shaft Mining is a method of mining in which elevators are responsible for lowering miners beneath the surface down to the coal seam. Another elevator is used to transport coal up to the surface to be processed.

Room and Pillar Mining

Room and Pillar mining is a very dangerous method of mining in which much of the coal is left behind to support the roof of the mine. This method also uses shafts to lower miners to the seam of coal.

Continuous Mining
Continuous Mining is a method of mining which uses a machine to collect the coal and a conveyor to take it out to the surface. These machines can be used in drift mines and room and pillar mines.

Longwall Mining

Longwall Mining is a method of mining in which machines support the mine roof and collect coal. As the coal is collected and the machine retreats, the roof is able to collapse safely.

Surface Mining

Strip Mining 
Strip Mining is a method of mining that is used when a coal seam is near the surface. The overburden above the coal seam is moved to a lower area, and as mining progresses, overburden is used to fill up the previous areas that were mined.

Contour Mining
Contour Mining is a method of mining which follows the contour of a mountain.

Mountaintop Removal
Mountaintop Removal is a type of mining in which the top of a mountain is removed and coal is extracted from its center. The mountain top is then placed back on the mining site. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

How does coal form?

     The first step of forming coal began over a hundred million years ago. Prehistoric plants died and fell into swampy areas of West Virginia and across the country. Each plant's high energy electrons are used to make ATP which forms a high energy bond between CO2 molecules. With the absence of oxygen in the water, rather than rotting, the plants formed a substance called peat. Over periods of time, sediment would compact and place pressure on the peat, eventually converting it to lignite. With the higher concentration of carbon, coal takes on various names and uses. Lignite has a relatively low concentration of carbon and a low heat value. The most common form of coal is bituminous coal which is coked for use in the steel industry. Coke is a high carbon fuel used for heating in the steel industry. It lacks oxygen, and is ridden of the tar, gas and water. Anthracite coal is often used in heating of homes. It does not smoke much and has a high heat value. It has the highest carbon content of all types of coal.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Graph Analysis

     My graph displays the temperature changes, AOT and percent transmission over a period in December 2012. As the temperature decreases, percent transmission increases. Aerosol Optical Thickness steadily increases throughout December. For instance, examine the line from 12/7 to 12/12. Notice the great increase in percent transmission as the temperature steadily drops.