Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mining Methods

Underground Mining


Drift Mining
Drift Mining is a method of mining in which a coal seam penetrates the surface and a plant is able to extract coal straight from the seam and into the preparation plant.

Shaft Mining

Shaft Mining is a method of mining in which elevators are responsible for lowering miners beneath the surface down to the coal seam. Another elevator is used to transport coal up to the surface to be processed.

Room and Pillar Mining

Room and Pillar mining is a very dangerous method of mining in which much of the coal is left behind to support the roof of the mine. This method also uses shafts to lower miners to the seam of coal.

Continuous Mining
Continuous Mining is a method of mining which uses a machine to collect the coal and a conveyor to take it out to the surface. These machines can be used in drift mines and room and pillar mines.

Longwall Mining

Longwall Mining is a method of mining in which machines support the mine roof and collect coal. As the coal is collected and the machine retreats, the roof is able to collapse safely.

Surface Mining

Strip Mining 
Strip Mining is a method of mining that is used when a coal seam is near the surface. The overburden above the coal seam is moved to a lower area, and as mining progresses, overburden is used to fill up the previous areas that were mined.

Contour Mining
Contour Mining is a method of mining which follows the contour of a mountain.

Mountaintop Removal
Mountaintop Removal is a type of mining in which the top of a mountain is removed and coal is extracted from its center. The mountain top is then placed back on the mining site. 

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